
PMs Lead With Purpose, Not Process 项目经理以结果导向,而不是过程导向

384 2024-01-13
going to start with a statement that may be difficult to hear. It might, in fact, shake you to your very core核心. It is nonetheless true. It is incredibly important. I need you to hear it, to remember it, and to take it into the center of your practice. It will not just make you a better project manager; it will make you an amazing project manager.
That statement of truth is this:
Not everyone likes process as much as you do. In fact, most people might go so far as to say they hate process.
Read that. Say it out loud. Listen to how it sounds. Sit with it for a while. Let it take hold and find a place in you. Let it grow and flourish. Remind yourself of it regularly. As you do, you will start to reflect on what it means. You will challenge yourself as to how it affects your work. You might find yourself changing your approach, and your interactions with those around you. That is all to the good.
Project managers, in my experience, adore process. They value structure. They dream in workflow diagrams and process charts and breakdown structures. They value the order and consistency and control—above all, the control—that process offers.
That’s all well and good. Process is useful. Frameworks are worthwhile重要的. Models serve purpose. Having a structure to think and plan and organize is incredibly useful. Your mind can, and probably should, be going a mile a minute tracking and thinking and structuring and organizing what you are hearing, what you see, and what needs to be done. That is all fair game, core to the job description, and very often the most significant contribution and gift that you bring to your team.
Here is where we intersect with the little nugget of truth that we began with, however. Just because you embrace process, and organize by structure, and dream in conceptual relationships, that doesn’t mean you need to lead with it. Process may be your super power. It can also stay in your back pocket, hidden from sight, and be all the more magical for being there.
A scenario may be helpful here to illustrate 说明what I’m talking about. Let’s imagine you are volunteering with a local community organization—a food bank, or a charity for cystic fibrosis (or any number of other horrific diseases that ravage the world). Maybe it is a local arts organization. They are organizing a big campaign, their biggest yet. They need help. You are volunteering with them. Knowing that organization is kind of your jam, they ask you to help them plan.
The temptation might be to educate them on the importance of scope, to differentiate product scope and project scope, and to be firm on identifying inclusions and exclusions. You might be itching to build work breakdowns structures and resource breakdown structures. Resources in the not-for-profit world are scarce, so resource levelling might be a really appealing idea. And let’s not forget about RACI charts, and differentiating firmly and clearly between what “responsible” and “accountable” means.
Before you go there, I invite you to stop. Let that go. Breathe. Embrace a new mantra: “Purpose over process.”
Asking for help in planning doesn’t necessarily mean they are looking for you to apply full-on, broad-scale, process-heavy project management. This is true even if they say that’s what they are asking for (because most of them can’t imagine how deeply this rabbit hole can go; never, for example, try to think about using earned value in such a scenario).
Especially in a context that doesn’t have any process whatsoever, any amount of process is going to look intimidating and scary—and potentially like a whole lot of bureaucracy. You can frighten people very quickly here. That means the value that you can provide runs the risk of being seen as overwhelming before it can even have an opportunity to make a positive impact.
Instead, let’s take a different perspective on the same scenario. You have been asked to help with planning. You have an awesome range of skills and structure to offer, but you recognize the caution that process can overpower, and structure can look absolutely befuddling to the uninitiated. So you take a different tack, one that seeks information and understanding, not one that imposes order and structure.
Bringing together a group of people who are passionate about the organization and really care about the campaign being a success (we are not going to call them stakeholders), you might start out with a simple question: “What is this campaign about? What would you see being produced as a result?”
You might ask to hear from everyone, letting each person volunteer their views and choose in what order they speak. You might encourage small group discussions to think about what it really means to them. All the way through, you capture their ideas, with no judgement and no critiquing. Whatever they say has the opportunity for meaning later. Just get it down for now. Faithful recording is all that really matters.
You might follow up with a different question: “What would runaway success look like? If you got results that were amazing, what would those look like?” Again, let people answer honestly. Get different perspectives. Seek clarity when someone sounds vague. Probe for detail. When you hear conflicting ideas, ask questions about them. Capture it all.
From here, you might start thinking about what needs to happen to produce the results that you are identifying. Brainstorm actions and steps. Start from the beginning if you can, but don’t get too upset over tangents. People will jump around; it’s how their brains work, and you are well served by letting them. If someone has something they feel is important, they will not let it go until it has been heard, and it is hard to virtually impossible for them to focus on anything else until they do.
In the context of the room, and the participants there, this is all discussion. It’s useful discussion, exploring and advancing and broadening the group’s understanding. They don’t necessarily see how it all fits together, but it feels good and looks meaningful and highlights important considerations that need to be worked through. It is all awesome and amazing in their world, and feels like forward progress.
The fact that you see the patterns of what I am asking—the definition of outcomes, the consideration of success, the framing of objectives and actions, and the regard for risks and critical success factors—is beneficial. You understand what is being collected and why, and you recognize that it is all useful and leads to a meaningful presentation of information.
You don’t have to lead with it, however. You don’t even have to acknowledge it is there. Quietly fill in the details in your mind, ask helpful questions about where there are gaps, and listen for the intent underlying what is said as much as what is conveyed in the content.
What this outlines is an essential principle of how I facilitate. It is how I guide groups, and how I get to the point of painting resonant pictures of how to get things done. I always have process. There is always a place I am going, and a sense of the steps I think I need to follow. There is also, always, absolute flexibility about how those steps get approached, and a willingness to stop and explore a different avenue when it becomes necessary. The point, in everything, is clarity of purpose. It’s designed to help, it is intended to create insight, and it is ultimately framed to deliver value.
A lot of the value that emerges comes from what happens next. Sometimes this happens immediately in the room. Often it happens afterward, as I sift through and make sense of what has been captured; these become results that get brought back to the next discussion.
In both instances, it generally starts with a statement of, “What I’m hearing from this conversation is…” and starting to distill the ideas that have been taken down to their essence. Sometimes that looks like a process. In other contexts, it is an outlining of options. Occasionally, it is highlighting tensions, disconnects or unresolved concerns. Usually, it brings enthusiastic recognition and appreciation of emerging clarity.
As I have pointed out, process is always there. I never go into a facilitation or discussion without a clear sense of what I’m doing, and where I think the conversation needs to go next. I don’t lead with process, however, and I am by no means overt about the process I am following. Only the most astute observer is likely to see and appreciate the concepts and frameworks at work. That is deliberate, and it is by design.
What matters most is purpose. The value that I bring to the room isn’t structuring and planning, it is the illumination of that purpose. The insight this creates helps get to focus, and the focus in turn leads to actions and results.
Structure is emerging in the background; it is an organizing framework for me to first make sense, and then create narrative, but it is largely a framework for my benefit. I apply it to distill and assess and play back what I am hearing, to find the gaps, and to think about what happens next. None of that needs to be obvious and up front with the people that I am facilitating.
A final note is that I have framed the examples here as volunteering, of contributing to communities, of endeavoring to make a difference. The reality is that the exact same principles underlie how I do my work with clients in the corporate world as well. In fact, I don’t really differentiate. Regardless of who I am working with, the value that I deliver is maximized when I keep purpose and meaning in the foreground and process firmly in my back pocket—there for me, but not really needing to be amplified for anyone else.
I wish the same for you.希望和你一样。
原文链接: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=Mzg2NzcyOTQ3OQ==&mid=2247483988&idx=1&sn=dc7f7ba3345114662e9736905757486d&chksm=ceb66b7cf9c1e26a5dcd5f4bfe62ccada2a0b47d766686aa7ab76ed2e40352bc1480c73ed14d#rd


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