

294 2024-03-28


LeSS Framework Summary

LeSS Framework Summary

This article introduces and interprets the definition, framework, and principles of LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum), aiming to provide a better understanding of the LeSS framework.

Definition of LeSS

LeSS is an acronym for Large-Scale Scrum, a framework created to address the challenges of large-scale and complex work. LeSS is built upon the principles of Scrum, maintaining consistency in principles, events, time-boxes, artifacts, practices, roles, and team structures.

Classification of LeSS

LeSS is categorized into two types based on project size:

  • Basic LeSS: Suitable for 2 to 8 teams, approximately 50 people.
  • LeSS Huge: Supports more than 8 teams, scaling to hundreds or thousands of individuals.

Both classifications differ in team size and framework design. Basic LeSS features a single Product Owner (PO), one Product Backlog (PB), and up to 8 teams. It includes an Overall Retrospective at the end of each iteration for cross-team collaboration. LeSS Huge introduces Requirement Areas (RA) to divide the product by business domain, with Area Product Owners (APO) managing domain-specific backlogs. Each APO works with 4 to 8 teams to balance transparency, coordination costs, and flexibility.

LeSS Principles

LeSS principles are grouped into three categories:

  1. Scrum-specific: Emphasizes that LeSS is fundamentally Scrum applied to a large-scale context, with a focus on transparency and empirical process control.
  2. LeSS-specific: Advocates for simplicity by reducing roles, processes, and artifacts, and encourages a focus on the whole product and customer-centric approaches.
  3. Meta-specific: Encourages systems thinking, lean thinking, queue theory, and continuous improvement towards perfection, promoting overall system efficiency rather than individual parts.

The next article will delve into LeSS principles and guidelines, the rationale behind product definition, and the underlying logic of design decisions such as the number of Product Backlogs and teams.



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